Power purchase agreement (PPA)—Checklist

Produced in partnership with Matthew Collinson

Power purchase agreement (PPA)—Checklist

Produced in partnership with Matthew Collinson


Power purchase agreements (PPAs) and consequently the checklist issues that arise will vary depending on a number of factors, including the type of energy generating technology utilised and, particularly, whether or not feedstock or fuel is required for operation of the completed facility. Whether the PPA, a short-term trading arrangement or a longer-term arrangement needed to underpin financing will also have a significant impact.

This Checklist assumes a ‘conventional’ PPA where the counterparty is a licensed supplier. There are other variants, including corporate PPAs where the counterparty is an end-use customer, possibly connected to the generating facility by a direct wire. For more information about corporate PPAs, see Practice Note: Corporate Power Purchase Agreements—an introduction to structuring power purchase arrangements between large energy users and remotely located generators.

What is/check the duration of the agreement?

Where a PPA is required to underpin the external financing of a new generating facility, the term of PPA should coincide, so far as practicable, with the terms of any loans used to finance the project. It is often calculated from the point where the plant

Matthew Collinson
Matthew Collinson

Self-employed Consultant Lawyer

Matt has specialised in energy and infrastructure projects since 2006, including in City practice and as an industry consultant. He has spent more than half his career as a general counsel in regulated energy supply and network businesses, and has written extensively on regulation of the gas and electricity sectors.

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