Cook: Pharmaceuticals Biotechnology and the Law Third edition is the definitive guide to the law in Europe relating to pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, and the life sciences.
Cook: Pharmaceuticals Biotechnology and the Law 3ed eBook is the definitive guide to the law in Europe relating to pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, and the life sciences.
Cook: Pharmaceuticals Biotechnology and the Law 3ed (Print and eBook) is the definitive guide to the law in Europe relating to pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, and the life sciences.
The All England Law Reports is a general series of law reports enjoying an unrivalled reputation in all common law jurisdictions.
Simon's Weekly Tax Service 2016 provides information relating to the previous week's developments in the fields of income tax, capital gains tax, corporation tax, inheritance tax, stamp duty and value added tax.
Family Law journal is the leading practitioner journal compiled by experts for family law professionals. The journal features the latest official guidance's, in-depth case analysis and topical articles.
DIFC Courts Rules - Dubai's English language, common law Courts have been growing in popularity as a venue for commercial disputes and to enforce judicial decisions.
This looseleaf provides easy access for the first time in print to the DIFC Courts' official rules and is published with the official sanction of the DIFC Courts themselves and the Academy of Law, who are book's authors.