The newly revamped edition of The Green Book brings together all the latest information and guidance around the development of the online court as part of HMCTS reform programme for the justice system. The introduction of a brand new Online Reforms section provides expert commentary for PD 51R Online Civil Money Claims Pilot and PD 51ZB Damages Claims Pilot, as well as other related topics including Artificial Intelligence (AI). The online version also links to further reading from the Lexis+ Practical Guidance module to ensure customers are up to date on the most recent developments in this rapidly changing area.
Coroners' Investigations and Inquests, now in its second edition, is an accessible and authoritative guide to all aspects of the law of inquests and coroners.
Butterworths Law of Food and Drugs gives an in-depth and up-to-date analysis of the law of food and drugs, providing the full text of all the relevant legislation in a convenient looseleaf format.
The All England Law Reports is a general series of law reports enjoying an unrivalled reputation in all common law jurisdictions.
Goode: Consumer Credit Law and Practice is a comprehensive and authoritative work which offers a complete information package comprising five looseleaf volumes, three volumes of Goode: Consumer Credit Reports and a CD.