Halsbury's Laws of England is designed to enable practitioners and researchers to answer the full range of questions likely to arise in the course of their work.
Tolley's Corporate Manslaughter and Homicide: A Guide to Compliance contains a full section-by-section explanation of the Act, all the main Health and Safety regulatory guidance in one place and many practical features like case studies and checklists.
Simon's Tax Cases contains full text law reports of tax cases decided in the High Court, the Court of Appeal, the Court of Session in Scotland, the Court of Appeal in Northern Ireland, the House of Lords, the Privy Council, the European Court of Justice and the European Court of Human Rights.
Simon's Tax Cases 2008 contains full text law reports of tax cases decided in the High Court, the Court of Appeal, the Court of Session in Scotland, the Court of Appeal in Northern Ireland, the House of Lords, the Privy Council, the European Court of Justice and the European Court of Human Rights.