The Ecclesiastical Law title of Halsbury's Laws of England was reviewed and fully updated for the 2025 reissue.
Cases That Changed Our Lives is a collection of essays examines key cases (both UK and international) that have changed or created the rules and procedures which govern our lives and which we abide by.
Butterworths International Commercial Litigation Handbook Second edition brings together in a single volume key UK, EC and international materials which are essential for litigation and arbitration lawyers.
The Law and Practice of True Sales raises issues of general law, applicable to many circumstances, as well as complex issues relating to insolvency and practical enforcement.
Cook: Pharmaceuticals Biotechnology and the Law Third edition is the definitive guide to the law in Europe relating to pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, and the life sciences.
UK Tax Treaties considers the practical interpretation of the UK's double tax treaties and domestic rules concerning relief from double taxation.
Henderson on Derivatives Second edition is the standard work on the subject for both novice and experienced practitioners alike.
Tolley's Partnership Taxation is an essential new handbook for any tax practitioners, accountants and solicitors advising their clients on partnerships.