Tolley's Pensions Taxation 2016-2017 highlights all of the changes which have taken place since 2006 and particularly includes any new 2016 changes to the pensions taxation regime.
Tolley's Partnership Taxation is an essential new handbook for any tax practitioners, accountants and solicitors advising their clients on partnerships.
Author(s): Grant Thornton UK, CMS Cameron McKenna, Moore Stephens, BDO LLP, Alvarez & Marsal, PKF International, Ernst & Young
ISBN: 9780754547556
Publication Date:
October 2012
UK Transfer Pricing 2012-13 explores all of the above issues in a style that is both comprehensive and informative, through the use of numerous practical examples and case studies.
The full bound volume set of Simon's Tax Cases Special Commissioners' Decisions comprising reports of Special Commissioners' decisions released between 1995 and 2009. Contains 15 volumes.
Published under the direction of the Board of the Inland Revenue, the Reports of Tax Cases are the only official reports issued by government authority in the area of tax and revenue law covering decisions of the High Court, Court of Appeal, House of Lords, Court of Session, Court of Appeal in Northern Ireland on issues relating to income tax, corporation tax, capital gains tax, inheritance tax and stamp duty.
The full bound volume set of Simon's Tax Cases volumes from 1973 to date comprises reports of tax cases decided in the courts of the United Kingdom, as well as the Upper Tribunal (Tax and Chancery Chamber), the Court of Justice of the European Union and the European Court of Human Rights.