Home / Tolley's EU and Global VAT / 51 Switzerland / Appendix 51B: VAT exemptions without credit (Switzerland)

Appendix 51B: VAT exemptions without credit (Switzerland)

51 Switzerland

Pursuant to article 21 of the Swiss VAT Act, a supply that is exempt from VAT without credit, and for which taxation under article 22 of the VAT Act is not opted for, is not taxable in Switzerland.

VAT exemptions without credit are applied in Switzerland to the following:

  1. Ìý

    •ÌýÌýÌýÌý The transport of goods that is included in the reserved services under article 3 of the Postal Services Act of 30 April 1997.

  2. Ìý

    •ÌýÌýÌýÌý Hospital treatment and medical treatment in human medicine hospitals.

  3. Ìý

    •ÌýÌýÌýÌý Human medical treatment.

  4. Ìý

    •ÌýÌýÌýÌý The nursing care services.

  5. Ìý


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