Classes of NIC and who pays them

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Employment Tax

Classes of NIC and who pays them

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Employment Tax

Class 1 NIC

Class 1 NIC is payable on earnings paid to an employed worker which derive from, or are treated as deriving from, an employed earner’s employment in the UK. There are two kinds of Class 1 NIC, primary contributions for which the employee is liable and secondary contributions which are payable by a ‘secondary contributor’. The secondary contributor is usually the employer, but in some cases as set out below may be another defined party.

Primary (employee) liability

For a primary liability to arise, the employed earner must be resident or present in the UK at the time of the employment, or ordinarily resident in the UK at that time. The fact that presence in the UK is sufficient to create a NIC liability means that unless an exemption applies, employment in the UK for however short a time will create a NIC liability.

Employment in an EEA country or Switzerland, or in a country with which the UK has a bilateral social security agreement will

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