Computation of corporation tax

Produced by a Tolley Corporation Tax expert
Corporation Tax

Computation of corporation tax

Produced by a Tolley Corporation Tax expert
Corporation Tax

Companies pay corporation tax on the taxable total profits (TTP) generated in a chargeable accounting period (CAP).

To ascertain whether the entity is within the charge to corporation tax, see the Charge to corporation tax guidance note.

For more information on the type of profits which are subject to corporation tax, see the Taxable Total Profits (TTP) guidance note.

Chargeable accounting periods

Companies are liable to corporation tax for each CAP. The CAP is usually the period for which the company makes up a set of statutory financial statements. However, the accounting period for tax purposes can sometimes be different.

Short accounting periods

Where a company makes up its accounts for less than 12 months, the accounting period for the company will cover the same short period. Various limits and allowances, eg the capital allowance WDA will be scaled down accordingly, on a time apportionment basis. For most practitioners, no additional action will be necessary as the required adjustments will be carried out by tax compliance software.

See Example 1.

Long periods of account


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