Exporting goods ― proof of export

Produced by a Tolley Value Added Tax expert
Value Added Tax

Exporting goods ― proof of export

Produced by a Tolley Value Added Tax expert
Value Added Tax

In addition to the requirements laid down in the Exporting goods ― overview guidance note, businesses intending to zero-rate exported goods must hold satisfactory evidence that the goods have been delivered to a destination outside of the UK. If satisfactory evidence is not obtained, then the supply cannot be zero-rated. Businesses that zero-rate supplies without obtaining the necessary proof that the goods have been exported may be subject to assessments for the amount of VAT that would be due if the goods had been sold in the UK, interest and potentially a penalty as well.

For in-depth commentary on the legislation and case law relating to proof of export, see De Voil Indirect Tax Service V4.302.

What is proof of export?

HMRC talks about three broad kinds of proof of export, namely:

  1. •

    official evidence

  2. •

    commercial transport evidence

  3. •

    supplementary evidence

Notice 703, para 6.1; VEXP30400

To zero-rate an export, a business must hold official evidence and / or commercial transport evidence. Both generally have equal weight so one or

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