Late night travel expenses

Produced by a Tolley Employment Tax expert
Employment Tax

Late night travel expenses

Produced by a Tolley Employment Tax expert
Employment Tax


In general, costs for travel between an employee’s permanent place of work and home are subject to tax and NIC. See the Commuting expenses guidance note for details.

There is an exemption from tax and NIC where an employer provides transport home, reimburses the cost, or pays for it directly. This applies in either of two situations for journeys to get home from work (not to get into work):

  1. •

    late night working

  2. •

    failure of car sharing arrangements

ITEPA 2003, s 248

These exemptions apply only where:

  1. •

    the journey is from work to home

  2. •

    the claim is made no more than 60 times in a tax year

ITEPA 2003, s 248(1)

60 journeys rule

If all of the above requirements are met then an employer may provide up to 60 journeys per year. If the employer pays for more than 60 journeys, then those in excess of 60 will be subject to the normal rules for commuting costs as set out in the Commuting expenses guidance note.

The 60 journeys

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