This guidance note gives an overview of the ‘Managing your client’s trust’ sub-topic. Why should trust accounts be kept and in what format? How do you prepare the accounts? It also considers payments of income and capital to beneficiaries in cash or in specie and the considerations to be made by trustees when making such a distribution. The support for beneficiaries in receipt of state benefits and the rules in respect of accumulating income are considered.
The Payments to trust beneficiaries guidance note considers the trustees’ powers to make payments and whether the payment made is income or capital. It is designed to give outline and background for accountants and tax advisers who deal with clients establishing trusts. It is not targeted at lawyers. It considers the issues that trustees should take into account before making a payment in respect of their powers and in respect of the different types of trust. It also considers whether the payment is of capital or income and the effect of the
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Taxation of loan relationshipsThe vast majority of companies will have loan relationships and so will need to consider how they are taxed under the loan relationship rules. There are also specific provisions dealing with relevant non-lending relationships and other deemed loan relationships.
Payments on account (POA)This guidance note provides and overview of the payments on account regime (POA). More in depth commentary can be found in De Voil Indirect Tax Service V5.110.What are payments on account?VAT registered businesses with an annual VAT liability of more than £2.3m are required
Qualifying charitable donationsCompanies can obtain corporation tax relief for qualifying payments or certain transfers of assets to charity under the qualifying charitable donations regime. Definition of qualifying charitable donationThe definition of ‘qualifying charitable donations’