Pension contributions for sole traders

Produced by Tolley in association with
Owner-Managed Businesses

Pension contributions for sole traders

Produced by Tolley in association with
Owner-Managed Businesses

Pension planning should play an important part of any annual review. This is true for any personal tax clients, but for unincorporated sole traders it can be especially important.

In terms of profit extraction, pension contributions are one of the main tax efficient options available to a sole trader. With sufficient planning and care, contributions provide a very flexible means of achieving tax savings at high marginal rates. Where a sole trader’s marginal rate of income tax fluctuates between tax years due to variations in trading income, pension contributions can be timed to take place in the good years in order to maximise the rate of tax relief received.

Unless advisers are suitably qualified and authorised to give investment advice, it is vital that they do not give investment advice of any sort. This includes advice concerning pensions. Advice should be restricted to the tax consequences of making contributions. For further information, see the Regulated investment advice guidance note.

Pension contributions

For a sole trader the income tax benefits of making a pension contribution

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David Everett
David Everett

Partner, Lane Clark & Peacock , Employment Tax

David Everett, is the head of the Pensions Research team at LCP. One of his key roles is to analyse and communicate regulatory and professional developments to audiences both within and outside LCP.David has built up many years of experience in the occupational pensions regulatory field covering a broad spectrum including government policy and legislation, particularly that emanating from the Department for Work and Pensions, the Pensions Regulator, the Pension Protection Fund and other compensation schemes, the Pensions Ombudsman and the Courts and the technical and ethical regulation of actuaries through the Financial Reporting Council and the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries respectively.He also assists the ACA in responding to government consultations.He's the editor of LCP's weekly Pensions Bulletin and undertakes other technical writing for the firm, as well as contributing to TolleyGuidance Employment taxes for the Pensions module.

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