Quick succession relief

Produced by a Tolley Trusts and Inheritance Tax expert
Trusts and Inheritance Tax

Quick succession relief

Produced by a Tolley Trusts and Inheritance Tax expert
Trusts and Inheritance Tax

What is quick succession relief?

Quick succession relief (QSR) reduces the tax payable when the same property has been subject to more than one charge to IHT. It applies where there have been two chargeable transfers on which tax is payable within a period of five years.

Although commonly called QSR, it is described in the legislation as relief for ‘successive charges’.

Typically it arises in a deceased estate which includes inherited property. For example, if a person dies within five years of inheriting an interest in another estate, it is quite likely that inheritance tax will have been paid on the first death and will become payable again on the second death. The relief reduces the tax payable on the second death.

It may also arise in the following situations:

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    where the deceased received a lifetime gift from another person (a potentially exempt transfer) which becomes taxable because that other person has died within seven years of the gift. Note that the donor’s death could occur after the death of the recipient.

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